Monday, March 8, 2021

Teeth Brushing Charts

The girls are good at brushing their teeth at night but it has taken until just this year to finally get them to brush their teeth in the morning before going to school. I probably could have pushed the morning teeth brushing a little harder over the last few years, but mornings can be rushed and stressful so it just went by the wayside. 

I decided to make a teeth brushing chart where they color in a sun for the day and a moon for the night on each day they brushed their teeth. This worked out very well and helped keep them accountable for AM and PM brushing. I think after really working on this for the last couple of months we finally have a habit formed and they know to brush their teeth two times a day. Woohoo! I'm so happy for this and it makes it nicer when going to the dr for well-checks and not feeling bad for saying they only brush once a day when asked or lying saying they do it twice a day when in fact they don't. ;) 

The picture below is a picture of Lucy's and Molly's chart. Molly' is the first one...kind of crazy and messy and scribbled all over. Lucy's is the second chart...all nice and neatly colored in. Perfect representation of their personalities! :) 

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