Friday, March 26, 2021

Play School Dreams

One day Lucy was talking about her school math workbook and that they finished one and were moving on to another book. I asked her more about the workbooks and what they do with them once finished. She said she could take it home or throw it away. I asked her if she could bring it home so I could see what all she's doing at school. 

It was really fun to me to see this math workbook, but I couldn't help but think about myself at her age. I would have been SOOOOO excited to be able to bring home this math workbook from school! I would have used it at my play school in the toy room at home! I can't tell you how many countless hours I spent playing school in the basement! I had a great set up with a desk and chalkboard, and my Mom would always buy me teaching supplies, like TWO grading wheels(!!!!) and a teacher planner book...oh I had so many things that were just perfect for my play school. I even taught summer school one year and remember getting everything ready for it. I had some fun times playing school! 

So this workbook Lucy brought home was so fun to me, bringing back lots of fun playing school memories!  

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