Monday, January 4, 2010

Wedding on the Brain

Wedding is definitely on my brain today. I'm not very busy at work so my mind has a lot of time to wander and today it's going to weddingville! I'm so excited for our wedding! I love planning events and after years of going to weddings it is so much fun, even though a bit overwhelming at times, to finally plan my own wedding! But all the planning aside, the thing I love the most about it is that when the flowers are all gone, the photos have all been taken, the wedding dress put away, I'll be married to Ross! He is absolutely the best and I cannot wait to spend the rest of my life with him!

I'm having trouble, though, imagining my new life. I'm 31 and have never been married, never lived with a boy, and for the past 7 1/2 years have lived alone. My mind just stops at April 17...I just cannot imagine what married life will be like, having never experienced it before. It's kind of weird because it's like I'll now have two segments to my life - the one before I was married and the one after I was married. (I imagine feelings these same thoughts when we have kids, too.) Kind of bittersweet in a way - moving out of my single life into my married life. Once I finally decided to trust God that He would bring me a husband I really, truly started enjoying being single. I have so much enjoyed working on my house, hanging out with friends, coming and going as I please, just things like that that one is more easily able to do when single. But when I think about married life and all the things I will enjoy - not having to drive home at night, always having my best friend there to talk with, a life partner, a bed partner :), someone who always has my back, always cares for me and thinks the world of me, someone who is just simply the funniest person I know...all of the bitter melts away to nothing but sweetness!


Christina said...

YAY!! I am EXCITED to keep up with your blog!!! Blog it up sister!! :):)

Unknown said...

Your thoughts were my thoughts too. Its hard to imagine the "after". I'm glad you have this blog, because you'll have so much fun reading this all later. Maybe I'll start my own too!! I need to refresh my degree a little!