Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The Library

This is probably my absolute, most prized card:

It's my library card! I absolutely love the concept of a library. I've always been a reader, but have tended to go in spurts where I read a bunch for a while and then just stop until I pick it back up again. In 2007, my friend, Susan, introduced me to the author Karen Kingsbury and her Redemption Series. I fell in love with the characters and Karen's writing style. There have been a few book series that are spin-offs to the Redemption series and I have read all of those, along with all of her stand-alone titles. Her books can get predictable, but they are just so good! I love her writing style and the "Christian Love/Romanace/Feel Good Story" theme in all of her books. I will forever be thankful to Susan for introducing me to Karen!

I love to read, but am not a person to read a book twice. And I don't want to have a bunch of books on hand that just sit on a shelf and collect dust. Now, I do have a few exceptions to that statement. If I read a book that I just absolutely L-O-V-E, then I will buy it. I do own a copy of Redeeming Love, by Francine Rivers. This is the best book I have ever read! Maybe I'll write more about it later, but for now, take my word for it!

All that to say I rediscovered the library when I found Karen Kingsbury's books. I wanted to read her books, but didn't want to buy any, thus the library was a perfect fit!

The Springfield-Greene County Library has a great online book search system. I can look up books online and with a click of a mouse reserve them, and even chose which location I'd like to pick up my books from! Lucky for me there's a library about a half mile from where I work, so convenient! I receive an e-mail message when my book is ready to pick up, and also get an e-mail message reminding me when the due date is getting close. Most books can be checked out for three weeks, and then renewed for another three if they are not being held for another person. Three weeks is usually plenty of time for me to read a book.

Oh I just love the library! And it's not just good for fiction books, but "hobby" books, too. Last week I checked out three books about sewing and knitting. Sure, I could go to Barnes and Noble or another bookstore to look through the books or buy them, but this way I have time to look through them and decide if I want to purchase them or not.

So yes, I am a BIG fan of public libraries! In fact, I would even like to work there someday! 


Wanda said...

YES!! Totally agree.
I have got my stacks of cookbooks, knitting books, novels, dvd's--love the library.

Blanche Richards said...

Hey Libby: Please read your email from me.
You know that's where I comment on blogs etc.:-)
Love, Blanche