Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Intentional Bible

One of my goals this year, like every year, is to read my Bible on a daily basis. I often let too much time go by between my readings and I'm determined to change that this year.

I shared this with a very good friend and she gave me The Intentional Bible to aid in my reading. It's the Bible sectioned out into a 365-day reading plan, so at the end of the year I will have read the entire Bible. I've thought about doing this a lot, and have heard others talk about it. It always seemed like such a daunting task to me, especially when I think of reading some of the Old Testament books that are less than exciting! But it is now February 1, one month into the new year, and I am happy to say I am completely caught up on my reading. I have done very good at reading each day. I have missed a day or two here and there, but instead of quitting, I just double up the next day and am caught up again.

It really doesn't take long at all, maybe 10-15 minutes to read. I read two OT chapters, a few verses from the Psalms, a few verses from Proverbs and one-two NT chapters a day. I'll admit, though, some days I feel like I read just to get it checked off my list. But other days when I read, I don't want to stop. I get so engrossed in the story, that I want to continue on.

I can't remember everything I've read, but I can tell a difference in myself and I chalk it all up to the reading. How could one not feel changed, feel happier, feel more joyous when they are reading GOD's word every day?!

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