Friday, February 11, 2011

Pictures - Part 2

This is a continuation of the blog series about the pictures I have on display in my house. Enjoy!

When we moved into our house there was already one piece of furniture in place - a piano! The previous owners of our house asked if we'd be interested in buying their piano and we said yes. I had actually been looking on Craigslist for a piano at the time, so this was perfect!  I took piano lessons from 1st-8th grade, and enjoy playing every now and then. I asked my Mom for her baby grand piano, but she quickly said NO! I was thrilled with the piano we purchased! The body is in great condition and the sound is great, too.

I decided to display our family pictures on top of the piano. I've seen this done in other homes before, and really liked it. I have some of Ross' side of the family and my side of the family represented here. From left to right: Gramma Schaffer (Ross' maternal grandmother), Matt, Jennifer, Conner, and Tucker Wiseman (Ross' brother and family), Gramma and Grampa Wiseman (Ross' paternal grandparents), Larry & Wanda Wiseman (Ross' parents), Terry & Wanda Ward (my parents), Nathan, Stephanie, Trevor, and Cody Herndon (my sister and family), Aunt Linda and Uncle Dale Shallberg (my mom's sister and husband), and Gramma and Grampa Ward (my paternal grandparents).

1 comment:

Christina said...

I LOVE all of the pictures in your house! :) Pictures make a house a home, and your home is so warm and welcoming!! I LOVE your piano!! Maybe someday, I will get to hear you play something on it!! :):)