Friday, February 4, 2011

Welcome Home

A few weeks ago we had the entryway, stairway, and hallway to the kitchen painted. Our house is a two-story house, and the entry way is open, all the way to the ceiling. Given the height of our walls, we decided it would be best for us to just hire this job out. A friend recommended a painter who was able to get everything painted and back in place in one day! 

The pictures below are taken from the front door and looking into the kitchen and the upstairs. The lighting is bad, making it hard to tell exactly what color the walls are, but they are an off-white, very light cream in the pictures below.

The two pictures below show the area right as you come in from the porch and from the upstairs landing area. The color we used is called Bagel, and it is just a nice, neutral, warm color. I love it! I also love the table and lamp in the picture below. We did a lot of searching for a table to fit this small area, and finally found one online. It arrived the day the entryway was painted, so Ross put it together and had it all set up when I came home from work that day. I found the lamp and HOME sign (which I love and think it goes perfectly there) at Gordman's, and received the picture frame as a wedding gift. I love this little area and think it is the perfect way to welcome people into our home.

1 comment:

Christina said...

I LOVE your house Libby Lee!! You have made is so warm and welcoming!! You are so good at being the hostess and making people feel loved!! :)